Less Power (Consumption) = More Power (Cost Reduction):
Did we tell you that SUPER1PACK, the revolutionary product from Silvin (techno-leader of the segment) that has redefined PVC Pipes & Pipe Fittings manufacturing process, enables 22-25% tangible savings in power expenses?
One of the unique features of Silvin’s SUPER1PACK is: it works at much lower mixing temperatures, and significantly reduces production time. When the production process is optimally synchronized, this translates into energy savings of up to 22-25%!! = considerable cost savings.
What is more, it also enables homogenous mixing, and maintains batch-to-batch uniformity.
SUPER1PACK from Silvin. Win-win.
A Superior Idea; A Different Method:
In the conventional mixing process, various chemicals with divergent forms and constitutions are mixed with PVC / CPVC Resin at varying temperatures. These processes assimilate into high mixing
temperatures — around 115-120 Degree Celsius.
But Silvin’s SUPER1PACK comes in the form of a single, free-flowing powder, which mix with PVC / CPVC Resin at lower temperatures vis a vis conventional methods. This translates into 20-22% net
savings on electricity.
Electricity being the second-highest cost factor in PVC / CPVC manufacturing process after raw material costs, what SUPER1PACK offers is a 20+% profitability rise potential!!
SUPER1PACK from Silvin. Win-win.
Futuristic Product Charecteristics:
Apart from high cost-effectiveness, SUPER1PACK also incorporates higher eco-consciousness (being lead-free), and is the most user- friendly product of its kind in the PVC industry (it minimizes efforts
& expenses, maximizes convenience & efficiency and optimizes product quality).
SUPER1PACK from Silvin.
It is not called ‘super’ without reason.